A Writer's Twelve Days of Christmas

On the First Day of Christmas, my agent sent to me: a huge check for royalty!

On the Second Day of Christmas, on Audible for me: new audio files

On the Third Day of Christmas, the artist sent to me: one awesome cover

On the Fourth Day of Christmas, the tech guy sent to me: epub mobi formats

On the Fifth Day of Christmas, the readers sent to me:  Five Star Reviews!

On the Sixth Day of Christmas, some good luck gave to me: promo on BookBub

On the Seventh Day of Christmas, my publisher decreed: major U.S.  book tour

On the Eighth Day of Christmas, the news announced to me: New York Times top listing

On the Ninth Day of Christmas, an editor told me: “Couldn’t find an error.”

On the Tenth Day of Christmas, a beta said to me: “Next book’s even better!”

On the Eleventh Day of Christmas, my PR girl told me: Outsold Evanovitch!

On the Twelfth Day of Christmas, some clerk called to tell me: “Oprah loves your book!”

(Yesterday's quiz answers: 5,1,6,8,7,9,3,2,10,4) 


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