
Time Flies, and That's Not Fiction

BEFORE I FORGET YET AGAIN: Now is your best chance to find my entire ebook collection for a promotional price at @Smashwords as part of their Annual Summer/Winter Sale! Find my books and many more at all month! #SWSale2024 #Smashwords.  I tell myself I'll be better about blogging, but...I probably won't. I do try to keep readers up-to-date on where the next book is in the pipeline, so here it is. Have Cats - Will Crime-Solve, Book #3 of the Cats & Crimes series starring Lorilee Riley, is with the content editor (That's the person I pay to make me frustrated). Content editors tell authors what needs to be changed in a book. People often ask, "Do you have to do what she says?" No, I don't, but when an objective, well-read editor says, "Look at this again," a writer should do that. Editors point out where we repeat ourselves, where we don't explain enough, where the plot gets hinky, and where charac
  First, here are the answers to the quiz in my May newsletter. A.         26 Letters of the Alphabet B.          7 Wonders of the Ancient World C.          1001 Arabian Nights D.         12 Signs of the Zodiac E.          54 Cards in a deck (with the Jokers) F.          8 Planets in the Solar System G.         88 Piano Keys H.         13 Stripes on the American Flag I.          32 Degrees at which Water Freezes J.           18 Holes on a Golf Course K.         90 Degrees in a Right Angle L.          200 Dollars for Passing Go in Monopoly M.         8 Sides on a Stop Sign N.         3 Blind Mice (See How They Run) O.         4 Quarts in a Gallon P.          24 Hours in a Day Q.         1 Wheel on a Unicycle R.          5 Digits in a Zip Code S.          57 Heinz Varieties T.          11 People on a Football Team U.         1000 Words that a Picture is Worth V.          29 Days in February in a Leap Year W.         64 Squares on a Chessboard   In case you don't get the newslet

Freebie Cats and Crimes

 There's less than a week left to get Cats and Crimes as a free e-book from Bookfunnel either here: or here: The way Bookfunnel works is that readers are offered free e-books of a certain genre, bundled together to suit the reader's taste. I signed up for two cozy mystery giveaways this month. Clicking on the link will get you a list of free cozies you can choose from. Cats and Crimes is the first of the Cats & Crimes Mysteries, and the second, Raining Cats and Cats , is available for purchase all over the place.   They're both also in audio from Amazon (Audible). If you'd like a code for a freebie on either, I have them, in hopes (of course), that you'll submit a review somewhere when you're finished listening. Oddly, the fourth book of the series is banging around in my head, but not the third. Not sure what I&

How Did I Forget?

  Raining Cats and Cats , the second book of the Cats & Crimes series, released on June 19th. I wrote about it everywhere I could think of...except here. Not sure how I could forget my oldest networking tool, but I did. So just in case you missed it in all the other places, here's the way to get your copy, no matter which distributor you order from: The e-book and print version haven't yet linked on Amazon. I'm working on that...sigh...

Another Writer Bites the Dust

I spoke with a woman the other day about what we were reading. She told me about a book she'd bought because the author is local. "The story wasn't bad," she said, "but I don't think he had an editor. I had to force myself to finish because there were so many mistakes." I'm guessing she will never buy another book by that author. Mistakes happen. In the book I'm reading at the moment, a big-publisher, hardcover offering I bought in a bookstore, the author says that the rescue workers needed a place to "lie" the wounded woman down. That hurt my English teacher heart, but for the most part, we can expect publishing-house books to be well-edited. Self-pubbed authors are often the worst. They don't hire an editor because they think they're "pretty good with grammar," or they have a relative or friend who is. It's not the way to go. You love your writing, and your momma (cousin, sister, whoever) loves you. An editor nee

Another Book. Ho-Hum

     Honestly, there is that "Ho-hum" aspect to it after thirty-plus books. I enjoy the writing and the editing and the putting it all together, but as RAINING CATS AND CATS gets closer to being ready for the world to see, I have to start planning promotions and hyping my work.I'm not very good at that part. First, I simply can't lie and tell you it's the best book you'll ever read. Second, I get tired of trying to grab readers' attention when 30,000 other authors are doing the same thing, every month, all year, every year. I've tried all the things "they" tell you to do to sell books: ads, blog tours, review sites, street teams. I haven't seen much evidence that any of them work. My LEAST touted book, THE SLEUTH SISTERS, became my best seller ever, all by itself. Books that I promote broadly, stories that I think are great reads, sit at only a few hundred sales. That makes it hard to get excited about hyping the next book, but here go

Cover Reveal: Raining Cats and Cats

 The second book of the Cats & Crimes Mysteries is with the editor, so I had time to think about covers and such. Before I forget, we chose Esmeralda as the new cat's name, and we'll call her Esme for short. Thanks to all who made suggestions. Somewhere, I have the name of the person who suggested Esme, and she will get a free copy of the book when it's available. Now, as for the cover. Please tell me what you think, because I can ask for changes if something doesn't look right.