Time Flies, and That's Not Fiction

BEFORE I FORGET YET AGAIN: Now is your best chance to find my entire ebook collection for a promotional price at @Smashwords as part of their Annual Summer/Winter Sale! Find my books and many more at https://www.smashwords.com/shelves/promos/ all month! #SWSale2024 #Smashwords.

 I tell myself I'll be better about blogging, but...I probably won't. I do try to keep readers up-to-date on where the next book is in the pipeline, so here it is.

Have Cats - Will Crime-Solve, Book #3 of the Cats & Crimes series starring Lorilee Riley, is with the content editor (That's the person I pay to make me frustrated). Content editors tell authors what needs to be changed in a book. People often ask, "Do you have to do what she says?" No, I don't, but when an objective, well-read editor says, "Look at this again," a writer should do that. Editors point out where we repeat ourselves, where we don't explain enough, where the plot gets hinky, and where characters need development. This is great, because then readers don't have to scratch their heads and wonder what the author meant.

I should say here that writers often don't like being edited. We'd like to think our work springs perfectly from our brows and lands on the page. Of course that isn't true for most, so a good editor is essential. The editor I use for the Cats & Crimes series is great in that she's able to balance her criticisms with praise. When she writes "I laughed out loud at this," it helps to know I hit the mark.

Have Cats - Will Crime-Solve has Lorilee meeting a man she likes a lot. Jess, Lorilee's ward, doesn't share her admiration, and there are some...problems with the man's current situation. Soon Lorilee and Jess are again involved in solving a murder, with eight (or more) cats for company.

Once content editing is done, the book moves on to the copy-editor, who ferrets out the errors in spelling, punctuation, etc. All should be ready by the release date, October 1st. You can pre-order the book HERE.


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