Cats and Crimes Release Day (Applause, Applause)
The new book, Cats and Crimes, releases today in e-book and print formats at Amazon, B&N, Kobo, Apple, and anywhere else I can think of. Here's the cover, because I'm sure I haven't shared it ever before now. (Sarcasm) BUY IT HERE Here's another review, in case you're still thinking about it: Cats and Crimes is the latest murder mystery by Maggie Pill. Enter “crazy cat lady” Lorilee Riley. She’s a retired social services worker, with eight special cats, who finds more than she bargained for in her bed of flowers one morning: a corpse. Reluctant to get involved at first, Lorilee starts to get interested in solving the unfortunate young woman’s death when the lead detective snoops around her yard at 03:00 the following day. While trying to solve the murder, Lorilee becomes friends with the androgynous Jess and endeavors to get Jess out of the unfortunate predicament they’ve found themselves in. Ultimately, their investigation leads them straight into the mu