First, here are the answers to the quiz in my May newsletter.

A.         26 Letters of the Alphabet

B.         7 Wonders of the Ancient World

C.         1001 Arabian Nights

D.        12 Signs of the Zodiac

E.         54 Cards in a deck (with the Jokers)

F.         8 Planets in the Solar System

G.        88 Piano Keys

H.        13 Stripes on the American Flag

I.          32 Degrees at which Water Freezes

J.          18 Holes on a Golf Course

K.        90 Degrees in a Right Angle

L.         200 Dollars for Passing Go in Monopoly

M.        8 Sides on a Stop Sign

N.        3 Blind Mice (See How They Run)

O.        4 Quarts in a Gallon

P.         24 Hours in a Day

Q.        1 Wheel on a Unicycle

R.         5 Digits in a Zip Code

S.         57 Heinz Varieties

T.         11 People on a Football Team

U.        1000 Words that a Picture is Worth

V.         29 Days in February in a Leap Year

W.        64 Squares on a Chessboard


In case you don't get the newsletter, readers can get Cats and Crimes free for the month of May as an e-book download here:  There are LOTS of animal-featured mysteries, so go take a look!


In the newsletter, I showed three versions of the possible cover for Cats & Crimes #3, Have Cats, Will Crime-Solve. I'm putting them here too, inviting feedback on colors. We want eye-catching, but not turn-offs. The first book has a white background, the second one blue, so here are 3 possibilities for the third:

Looking at them smaller size, I think the lettering should be fatter. What do you think?


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