The Cat as the Villain

Not a real cat. Anyone with cats knows they wouldn't hold still for this!
I've read books where the cat is the sleuth. I've read books where the cat is the narrator. I've read books where the cat is the sidekick.

How about a book where the cat is the murderer?

My old cat has taken to sleeping on the stairway. When it's dark or when I'm carrying an armload of sheets or whatever, it's easy to miss her presence, and several times in the last few months I've almost gone tush over teakettle down the stairs.

Now she's old. It might soothe her dementia-fogged mind to sleep on the stairs, halfway up so she can see what's happening on the main floor and still run for cover if the evil Vacuum Monster comes out of its lair or--worse yet--if STRANGERS invade her home.

But she could be plotting my death. I mean, who'd suspect her?

NOTE: I'm giving away books all week on the www.pegherring website. Stop over and make a comment to get in the running for the book of the day!


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