Status Update...and a Question for You

 Let's start with the question, and you can think about it while you read about the next Maggie Pill book.

Which commercial makes you shout at your TV (or at least want to)?

As to books, Cats and Crimes is with the content editor. I'm working with a new one, and she likes sending a few chapters at a time, so I correct my work in spurts, looking at her suggestions, taking notes, and changing the text. We're up to Chapter Eighteen (of 33). When that's done, it goes to the copy editor for more changes. When I've made them, it will be time to fit the MS into all the little boxes publishing requires. Amazon wants some things, like a "live" table of contents. Draft2Digital doesn't need that because they make one for me. Print books differ just enough between the two to make life miserable for a few days. My husband knows to tread quietly when I'm trying to make the covers fit into the different programs. I'm planning to have it up for pre-order by mid-November and sale in December, in time for You-Know-What. (Fingers crossed.)

The book stars Lorilee Riley, a seventy-something woman with eight cats. It's always eight cats, and there's a reason for that which involves an irritating neighbor and anger management classes. Lorilee gets interested in solving a murder, and she drags her new friend Jess into the investigation with her. Jess is reluctant, to say the least. The detective in charge is not encouraging, but he's got secrets, and Lorilee doesn't trust him. Of course there's danger. There's also humor. And best of all, there are cats.

To the commercial question above, here's my answer, (although there are many ads that upset me): "Are you concerned about memory loss as you age?"

It's for a medicine which research proves does nothing to prevent dementia or Alzheimer's. The question is a scare tactic used on gullible older people who fear mental decline. Every time they ask, I shout, "NO!"

When I do, my husband doesn't even jump anymore.


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