The Very Best People, According to Authors

When you're thinking like an author, the best people are those who not only like your work, but also help you spread the word that it's out there and it's good. With that in mind, here's a link to an interview I did recently with, which does just that. They liked The Sleuth Sisters, but they let me talk about my other work too, which is kind of them. Here's a link to the interview:

As a reader, you might not be able to interview me online like they did, but you can still help.

Spread the word: Tell others about books you like. Most people choose books that are recommended by someone they know.

Loan your books: This is touchy for some, but I love sharing stories I enjoyed with people who might feel the same way. I have fans who read, then mail the books to faraway relatives and friends, which gets them read in a whole new part of the country.

Comment on reviews and interviews: As a reader, I look at articles like the one above and also check to see what others say about them, whether it's my local library asking what we're reading this week or "big shots" like Manybooks showcasing authors.

Write your own review: Anywhere, any length, any level of enjoyment. While authors like to see positive reviews, they all help. People see the title. Algorithms chart the number. Others chime in. It all works to publicize the book.

A Note on reviews: I've spoken to some who are afraid to rate a book because they can't give it five stars or whatever the "best" is. I don't review a book I can't give four or five stars, but that's because I see things from both sides: reader and author. I know how much work went into it, so I tend not to criticize another writer, even if I don't like the book. Because of the way things are set up online, every review tends to help, no matter how bad it is. Besides, the negatives one reader posts ("too gory", "too sexy") might be the positives another reader is looking for.

 I do take issue with raters like one I saw who gave a book one star because "I have arthritis, and it was too heavy for me to hold onto." Or the one who complained that she didn't get it on the date Amazon said it would arrive. Come on, man! Rate the book, not your grumpiness at the world on a given day.

 The crux of my message is this: When you read a book you like, tell other readers. With something like 30,000 new books being released EVERY MONTH these days, we authors need all the help we can get!


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